Chapter 2: Finding the right environment

Having political instability in the country is something that would help someone attack because their government isn’t as strong as it should be. In the country there might be violence already going around which makes it easier than anything else to be able to attack. This would be making it even easier to attack because everyone is already not getting along so the attackers would easily be able to walk through their army and take over the government. Therefore having a strong government, and not having Political instability is better for your country.

If you have an Economic ruin that would not be good for your country for a couple of reasons. One of these reasons would be because if someone were to attack then it would be very easy for them because this country has already been suffering of things. Since they are already suffering due to things happening in the country, than this would make it very easy for an attacker to take down the country for the government is already half taken down. The government is kind of taken down because of what has been happening in the country. This is one of the many reasons of why having your country being Economic ruin is bad for you, but good for attackers.

The unemployment of many soldiers coming home from war was very bad for them. This was bad for many of the soldiers because now they would have to try and make money without being able to work. There were many soldiers that were unemployed because when they had left to go to war, the women took over their jobs. They did this so that they could prove themselves and show the men that they were capable of what they had done too. So when they the soldiers got back most of the jobs had been taken, and so there wasn’t any more room for them anywhere. After their hard work in the wars it wasn’t very great for them to have to come back and see that they would be having trouble getting money now because they wouldn’t be finding any job to get their money. This is why this was also a hard time for the soldiers that had to come back. People should have then also opened up new jobs to show that they were happy for what these people had done for them and their country.